How Visual Communications Networks Can Improve Employee Retention Rates

How Visual Communications Networks Can Improve Employee Retention Rates

As an employer, you’ve trained your sights on using a visual communications network to improve employee productivity and generate better results.  But digital signage can do more than simply pad your pockets with extra revenue.  It can help you train, develop, and retain top talent. Learning Style Nearly 65% of the adult population identities as…

How Video Walls Boost Engagement

How Video Walls Boost Engagement

Video walls have gained amazing traction recently.  Take Under Armor, for example.  The sportswear giant is a globally recognized brand that leans heavily on celebrity endorsements.  When pitching those endorsements in-house, the company uses a stellar mix of research, analysis, and images to communicate the value of the partnership.  But to really drive the point…

The Benefits of Digital Signage and Custom Content on College Campuses

The Benefits of Digital Signage and Custom Content on College Campuses

When it comes to digital signage, it’s natural to assume it’s geared toward converting customers. But digital signage serves a wide range of purposes beyond business.  College campuses are a great example. College campuses are perfect for digital signage.  Today’s student populations are digital natives, who’ve grown up during an era of rapid technological advancement. …

The Positive Environmental Impact of a Visual Communications Network

The Positive Environmental Impact of a Visual Communications Network

Most businesses are drawn to visual communications networks because of the impact they have on their bottom line and results.  Visual communication, such as digital signage, can boost engagement, relay messages faster, ensure messaging remains consistent and unified, and improve information retention.  But there’s another huge benefit of adopting visual communications—a positive impact on the…

What is Wayfinding?
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What is Wayfinding?

There are many headaches associated with airports, but their layout is often one of the biggest complaints.  A 2016 Curbed article featured commentary from 5 experts about airport design. The big takeaway? They weren’t designed to handle the influx of people that they handle today.  One thing that could help alleviate some of these issues…

How Digital Signage Can Improve Employee Communications

How Digital Signage Can Improve Employee Communications

In the modern workplace, companies seem to enact more and more ways to communicate with each day. From general emails to Slack to Asana, staying connected is becoming more segmented and complex. Digital signage offers a reprieve from the influx of information and, in the process, helps get your team aligned. Customer concerns Customer satisfaction…

Smarter Conference Scheduling with Digital Signage

Smarter Conference Scheduling with Digital Signage

Meetings are the backbone of the professional world—they serve as an opportunity to exchange ideas and align your team. But the process of booking a conference room can be arduous, confusing, and frustrating. In addition to manual scheduling methods, conference scheduling is often plagued by a lack of information about the space, including availability, size,…

Educating Patients with Digital Signage
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Educating Patients with Digital Signage

When patients pay a visit to their doctor, they want thorough and efficient care. But far too often, their experience is hampered by confusing hospital layouts, poor communication, and lengthy wait times. It may not be possible to fix these issues immediately, but there are ways to alleviate some of the attached headaches and craft…