video wall controller

Looking to capture your audience’s attention? Try installing a video wall system.

Digital signage is becoming more popular than ever, with the industry expected to grow to $31.62 billion by 2023.

Pros manage their video walls via a video wall controller, which provide the ability to present a stunning video, announcement, menu, slideshow, and more. Here are ten ways a video wall system can be used, along with your video wall controller, to grow your business!

1. Advertise for Any Business

The best part about video walls is their versatility in advertising. Essentially, a video wall is a blank slate with very few limits.

Advertisements are just one popular use of a video wall. When a vibrant ad is on a high-definition video wall, passersby will always glance over. This is where typical billboards fall flat–they don’t have the same innovation or eye-catching colors that attract attention.

2. Design a Masterpiece

The art of video walls isn’t just limited to what’s playing on the screen. Keep in mind that video walls don’t have to be a single rectangle. They can take on many different forms–this is where some businesses like to get creative.

Since video walls are comprised of several different screens, you can actually choose to create a design with the screens themselves. Rotate some of the screens to form a jagged video wall, or opt to form an interesting shape. Whatever you choose to display on the screen should complement the video wall formation.

3. Unlimited Resolution Potential

A screen’s resolution depends on the number of pixels and their density. When a screen has a lot of pixels, it can display a clearer image. That’s why video walls can create such gorgeous displays.

As soon as the screens join together to form a wall, the number of pixel increases. In turn, this allows video walls to recreate huge images with little loss of clarity.

Video walls let you think big. If you want to display an enormous screen depicting outer space in detail, video walls are your best bet.

4. Using a Video Wall Controller

Video wall controllers give you the ability to alter the display of the wall. Specifically, it gives you the ability to rearrange content, add layers, and resize your image. This makes it simple for businesses to update their essential signage.

For example, if you run a restaurant, you know that the menu can change often. With a video wall controller, you can easily change menu items on your display. Let’s not forget that digital menu boards can even increase your sales.

5. Lucid Imagery

Projectors are a thing of the past. They present a fuzzy image that doesn’t show up in a bright setting.

Instead, immerse your guests or potential customers in a powerful LED display. LED displays are backlit, meaning that they’re brighter and have a stronger contrast than projectors. You’ll never have to worry about sunlight affecting a video wall, so feel free to place it in natural lighting.

6. Interactive

A touchscreen video wall is a great way to get people involved. It’s commonly used as an interactive map, travel schedule, image viewer, and more. Some businesses even choose to implement it as a game.

Interactive video walls allow you to disguise your branding. Users will be too intrigued with your display to be deterred by brand messages.

7. Minimal Upkeep

Light bulbs don’t last long inside of projectors. When you invest in a video wall, you won’t have to scramble for a new light bulb again.

Thankfully, an LED screen doesn’t run on light bulbs. It instead uses a reusable light engine to ensure that its screen stays on. LEDs typically last thousands of hours, and it doesn’t sink in quality.

8. Multiple Signals

Having just one display takes away your ability to use more than one image source. A single display can only connect to one other source, and it can’t show multiple images simultaneously from one source either.

Since a video wall is comprised of several displays, you can easily hook up each display to its own source. It doesn’t matter if the sources have different resolutions or formats–they can all be shown on the screen. Don’t forget the video wall controller can be used to adjust each display one-by-one as well.

9. Processing Power

When setting up your video wall system, the processor you choose is crucial. Getting a powerful processor will allow the system to meet your video quality needs. Adding a decent processor means that your system will be able to run for a longer amount of time, and it will produce images at optimal quality.

Some processors don’t have many inputs and outputs. This not ideal for businesses that change their video often and produce complicated imagery.

10. Great Entertainment

The video wall for your business doesn’t have to be geared towards simple advertisements or menus. They can also be used for entertainment purposes.

In fact, taking advantage of a video wall as entertainment can reel in many bystanders. Would you rather look at an unwavering screen or one that provided some sort of entertainment? Almost everyone would choose the latter.

This is where being creative comes in handy. Think of something that you’d like to see on a large screen, and recreate that in the form of entertainment. That’s your recipe for more viewers.

Utilize a Video Wall

Gone are the days where businesses display information on a painted sign, a written menu, a projector, or a motionless advertisement. These days, people want to see more advanced adaptations.

Businesses are turning to video walls and digital signage as a way to catch the eye of their potential customers. With such bright lights, video walls can’t be ignored. It makes it even better when a business gets clever with their content, and is able to toy with it using a video wall controller.

Are you interested in installing an attractive video wall for your business? Check out our solution to your video wall craving.

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